Writing Views & Manna.

My writing view looks a little different lately.

I traveled solo across the country with my toddler in tow to visit my family. I’m staying at my parents’ house, in my childhood bedroom. (The unicorn bedspread is courtesy of my nieces. They sleep in my room when they stay at grandma’s.)

As I sit on my bed and pray for the Lord to provide the words I’m to write, and to meet me where I’m at, I realize I’m actively sitting where He met me in my hardest, darkest moments.

And He provided. He more than provided. He heard the cries that soaked the pillow on this bed. He saw the hours I spent in prayer on my knees in front of it. He provided specific verses that I know with certainty were meant for me to read as I sat on the edge of my bed sobbing over my open Bible. 

As I sift through which parts of my story go into this book, or into that guest post, or get tucked away in a draft for future use, I know He’ll be right here with me, guiding and nudging the way my words need to go. 

Even when I stumble and question and wonder if I can do this. 

He is faithful in everything. He met me in my darkest and provided glimpses of light, shining the way forward. Even now, as I often doubt my ability to write, I continue to see the manna the Lord provides to propel me forward. 

May I never forget or take for granted the manna the Lord so graciously provides.

Just two days ago, I once again knelt next to this bed in prayer, praising God for blessing me with an answer to a prayer that I prayed decades ago, for a dream to come to fruition. A prayer I honestly thought would never come true — but it did, and in the most unexpected way, which just confirms it was heaven-sent and not at all of my own doing. 

I hear the tap of the tree branches on my childhood window, momentarily distracting me from writing this. I glance out the window.

It’s snowing. In April. My mouth drops, and I run outside onto the porch to snap a photo so I never forget this moment. 

A decade ago, snow was a clear sign from the Lord to me that He was with me and to keep going. I had just made a heartbreaking, life-altering decision and was lost on which way to go next. I felt paralyzed within my pain and fear often ruled my heart. I continuously cried out to the Lord to comfort me, and to provide a sign that He was there and that I was where He wanted me. I noticed that snow would fall around the time of particularly intense prayer or difficult moments where I struggled. Snow came as I slowly started to rebuild my life and made decisions about my future. On one particularly difficult day for me in May that year, when it was unseasonably warm, it snowed. I remember glancing out of my office window, seeing the flurries fall from the sky and twinkle in the May sunshine. With tears brimming my eyes, I ran outside and threw my arms out in praise, basking in God’s goodness and faithfulness.

Thank you Lord, for my heaven-sent manna in the form of snow today. Thank you for meeting me where I’m at and providing for me in ways that I know are meant to encourage me to keep going even when progress seems slow. Thank you for sustaining me in this sowing season. Gratitude overflows my heart, my soul is energized, and all the glory is Yours. 


Words… Everywhere.


Thank you, God, for Good Friday.