My Words Have Been Featured On…

  • Time Isn't a Thief -- The Glorification of Busy Is

    Time is a thief — the typical cliché to justify our days going by in a blur. The world screams that the busier we are, the more valuable we are. We may accomplish more in a day, but we lose the valuable memories that we zoomed by in our pursuit of being busy and productive.

  • The Blessings of My Failed Plans

    I wasn’t supposed to go into medicine. It wasn’t part of my plan. I hated science and dreaded math. But God had other plans. Much to my surprise, I found out I not only loved the human sciences, but I was good at them, too. I witnessed miracles that I know with absolute certainty were from God and not medical intervention. I thought my plans were good; God’s were better.

  • When You Aren't The One PCS'ing

    It’s hard moving as often as we do. And while yes, we do have our built-in communities within our base and squadrons, it doesn’t guarantee you’ll click with another spouse right away. Sometimes it can take awhile before you find your friendship groove and have the tribe around you that brings support, fun, and a whole lot of laughter to this crazy life.

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