In the little things.

5 years ago, I lived in this house for only 9 months.

My husband and I bought our first home together 5 years ago. And two days later, we received military orders to move across the country.

I remember that moment so clearly, when my husband told me we'd be moving across the country to one of the most desolate, remote locations the Air Force had to offer in the continental US.

That assignment challenged me in a lot of aspects, but also grew me in ways I couldn't imagine possible.

I started writing at that assignment. If only I knew then that I'd finally achieve my dream of being an author when I sat at our old, hand-me-down kitchen table and heard my husband break the news that we'd be packing up said table in a few months.

God's goodness, God's faithfulness, His presence... He was in all of it.

Shortly after finding out that we'd be moving, my husband deployed. Again. For the 10th time.

I remember crying in the shower, letting my tears mix with the water, as I realized we would never have a Christmas in this house, because we were moving before the holiday season would start.

That day, in that moment, I just felt broken. My husband was deployed and I hadn't heard from him in days (not an uncommon occurrence during a deployment), I was heartbroken to leave my job and the comforts of our current location... And the reality hit me that we'd never have a Christmas in our first home together. For some reason, it just broke my heart that we'd never decorate a Christmas tree in this home.

But. God.

He heard my cries.

His plan... So good, so great, and honestly, so confusing at times.

We decided to keep our house and rent it out.

We moved, settled down, planted roots. Then we moved again, settled down, and planted roots.

Then we moved again.

And we ended back up in the area where we started our marriage. With an insane housing market that no one could afford.

But we had a house. A house we loved. And this time, we walked across the threshold with our beautiful daughter in tow.

We moved back into our first home that we bought together... And this winter, we set up our Christmas tree. In the spot I envisioned five years ago.

God's goodness, God's faithfulness... His presence in all of it.

God sees us and hears us in all things, even in the little things.

Like a dream to see a Christmas tree in your first married home.

It's been quite the ride to see this tree standing tall in my living room... And with God on my side, I wouldn't have it any other way.


Highlight Reels... Are Not Real.


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...