Highlight Reels... Are Not Real.

As this year closes and another opens, the usual posts of highlight reels appear.

The highlight reels that show our shining moments, on display for all to see. The moments that we choose to display.

It's ironic, really... That reels don't often show what's real. Or at least, gloss over or ignore the harder parts of our day.

From one tired mama to another, my highlight reel isn't so shiny.

My days are filled with moments of raising and shaping a little heart. Most of those moments aren't very glamorous.

Sure, I could share photos and proud moments where my capabilities as a mother are up to the current worldly standard... But that standard changes, and changes quickly.

My highlight reel would probably tank if I shared it. Moments of reading endless stacks of board books, cleaning the kitchen over and over, wiping a snotty nose and checking temperatures overnight.

Motherhood. It's not glamorous. It's hard work. But it's Holy work.

A dear friend once told me that her parenting mindset is to raise up the next generation of Christians. To raise her children as Kingdom-defenders, Kingdom-fighters, to continue the good fight of faith. To show kindness and love to a world that desperately needs it, just as Jesus did.

Just as Jesus did.

He knelt down to play with the little children when He walked this earth. I try to keep this in my mind as I kneel down to play with my own little girl. It's Kingdom work.

These not-so-glamorous moments of motherhood, the repetitive heartbeat of my days... He sees them all. He sees the tears I dry, the hugs I give, the wiping of the counters and the table, no matter how tired I am.

The Kingdom Work of motherhood. The next generation of Christians starts with us. In the little moments that never make a highlight reel.

I think it’s more imperative than ever to ditch the highlight reel and instead shift our minds to Kingdom Work.

Kingdom work. That’s what will change the world, starting with one little heart at a time.


Here's to a (not so) new year.


In the little things.