Love Uninterrupted: The Gift of Being Fully Present

Today, let's gift our love by being fully present, without distraction, with the ones we love the most.

"Mama," a little voice said quietly, while pulling at my hand that was scrolling on my phone.

I looked up from the screen into the eyes of my two year old daughter.

The look on her face tugged at my heart and shattered it. I could tell my little girl just wanted me to be present in the moment, and delight in her stacking blocks for the tenth time that morning.

The lessons we teach our children... But gosh, the lessons she's teaching me, too. I tossed my phone to the side and gave her my full attention. We spent the rest of the morning playing and giggling, uninterrupted.

Sometimes showing love is just showing up: being fully present without distraction.

When's the last time you had a conversation with your spouse where your phone didn't interrupt it? How long has it been since you played with your children and a "ding" didn't pull your attention away?

Technology can enhance our lives in many ways, but can also dangerously threaten to replace what matters most.

The devices that connect us with so many are depriving us of quality connection.

Maybe to reconnect, we have to disconnect.

I know it's hard. The unconscious pull to check our phone to see if that alert is important.

But maybe what's important is present right in front of you.

Maybe today, on valentine's day, we start the practice of showing love in a different kind of way: our presence uninterrupted, fully present without distraction.

Love uninterrupted.

Maybe today we tuck our phones away and look into the eyes that are watching us from across the room, or glancing at us from across the table.

Today, let's gift our love by being fully present, without distraction, with the ones we love the most.

And let's do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next... And let it spill over into our friendships and our daily life: giving our full attention to life in front of us, instead of what's on a screen.

Imagine what that kind of present love can do. Perhaps it might just change the world.


I’m not lucky, I’m blessed, that you’re my sister.


Scripture for Everyday Moments